
Manny Brooklyn
This page will be what some will consider a brag page. My Brags will be posted here. This page will contain the up and coming progress of my show dog activities and also some fun successes from the past. If this is not something you enjoy then please click onto a new page and enjoy some of the other information on my website.

Presenting my up and coming, Rose. She is training for the show ring. She is full of fun and will be eager to meet everyone. She has an outgoing personality and loves to make new friends.

Kyra is our new Russian import. To bring in new bloodlines to our home I found a great breeder in Moscow to add in. She has just started to go to the shows and though she is working on confidence I am sure she will be great! She loves to go to meet the nice people at the shows.


Ch. Piper’s Brickhouse Monique is a sister to Ch. Piper’s Happy On My Way (Monroe) Faith’s kids. Both finished their championships so quick it was amazingly fun and made me very proud!
Monique lives in Dayton, MN with Nate, Jen & family. Monroe with Joyce and Max Winkels in WI.